P.O. Box 711
Mercedita, PR 00715


 OBJECTIVE   A contract or full-time position where my software systems application development
                          and instructional skills will be employed in a Windows/Internet/Database/E-Commerce
                          project engineering/consultant team. Multi-lingual overseas positions welcome.

 EXPERTISE   Experience as Real-Time Process System Analyst, Senior Programmer, Test 
                          Engineer, Data Base Analyst and Hardware/Software Instructor:

  1. Analysis, specification, design, coding, testing, and installation of software in commercial and industrial environments where PC workstations or real-time micro-processors are utilized.
  2. Proficiency in all phases of software project implementation:
      • Real-Time Programming
      • Test Plan Scripting
      • Software Debugging
      • User Training
      • Technical Documentation
      • Data Base Maintenance
  3. Communications skills in consulting with international customers, reliability in meeting deadlines, and responsibility in providing thorough post-installation training and technical support.
 TRAINING        1997 UPR WIN Laboratories  – Visual C++, Visual Basic, HTML, Java, MS Access, SQL

                             1995   WTI Technical Institute  –  Autocad, Accounting, WordPerfect, Excel

                             1973   Control Data Institute     –  Digital Electronics, CPU & Peripheral Maintenance

 PLATFORMS    HP Notebook PC                       WINDOWS NT                 Microsoft Visual Studio
                              SUN Workstation                      UNIX                                 C Shell
                              VAX Workstation                      VMS                                  Ada, Pascal
                              Motorola 68000                         EXORMACS                    Assembler
                              IBM Workstation                     ADABAS                           RPG, Cobol

 EDUCATION    1994  Graduate Record Examination     –  Verbal 690/800 + Math 740/800

                             1981  University of Illinois at Chicago   –  Pre-Doctoral Fellow (4.69/5.00)

                             1972  University of Minnesota, MSEE  –  Institute of Technology Corporate Associate
                                       Fellow (4.67/5.00)

                             1970  University of Illinois at Chicago, B.Sc. Engr. Highest Honors – Edmund J. James
                                       Scholar (4.76/5.00), Bodine and Automatic Electric Scholarships

 Oral                     Czech              English              German            Spanish            French
 Written                Russian          Greek                Arabic              Hebrew            Hindi